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Rest & Restore


9:30 am (Starting January 19th)


for 4 Weeks


More About the Class

Do you find it hard to calm the mind or still the body? Does your body often feel like it is vibrating with all the energy? Do you find it hard to just slow down and breath?

Restorative Yoga is all about healing the mind and body through simple, supported poses. Restorative Yoga allows the body to slow down and relax. It is the practice of asanas, each held for longer than in conventional yoga classes. The long holding of poses is assisted with props such as folded blankets, to ensure the body is fully supported and to allow the muscles to relax. We also focus on the breath (pranayama) and relaxation.

People often find restorative yoga difficult because of the stillness of the practice but through continued practice of Rest & Restore you will find the stillness of the mind and body to help you move through your day with more gratitude, mindfulness and exploration.

No previous experience is necessary, but you will need props to support you in the poses. Items such as bolsters/pillows, blankets, strap/tie, blocks, chair, wall would all be helpful.

If there are 5 weeks in the month of classes the 5th week is FREE


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